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[评测] 转帖KARMA实验室的文章,M3与OYSAS的硬件区别。

发表于 2009-6-21 22:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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中文版源自:http://www.karma-lab.com/forum/t ... d.php?threadid=8573


M3 :
-- 根据HD-1设计的习惯合理的芯片
-- Radias芯片(在EXB-Radias委员会)
-- 320x240颜色LCD触摸屏幕(5寸。 对角? ?) 与X - Y的方式
-- x运行OS和软件的相当数量RAM
-- 压缩的声音ROM 256MB
-- 样品RAM 64MB,可伸缩对320MB
-- 控制面元素(钥匙,按钮,滑子 -- 没有瘤)
-- 音频输入(2类似物[1/4 "], S/PDIF)
-- 音频输出(6类似物[1/4 "], S/PDIF,任意火线)
-- 没有内部硬盘
-- 没有内部CD的燃烧器

-- 处理芯片的普通(更加强有力的)个人计算机
-- 10.4寸。 对角颜色LCD触摸屏幕
-- 1GB (或2GB跑和拿着一切的) RAM
-- 未压缩的样品628MB (有效地被装载,好象ROM)
-- 对1.5GB样品RAM的200MB (依靠什么仪器被装载)
-- 控制面元素(钥匙、按钮、滑子,瘤)
-- 音频输入(4类似物[2 XLR-1/4 ", 2 1/4 "], S/PDIF) XLR Oasys音频输入支持48V幽灵力量
-- 音频输出(10类似物[1/4 "], S/PDIF,任意ADAT)
-- 内部硬盘
-- 内部CD的燃烧器

-- M3 : 2
-- OASYS : 6
M3固定与ESD样品synth和Radias synth引擎。 OASYS限制由当前包括前HD-1样品synth、AL-1模式Synth, CX-3被塑造的器官、STR-1被采的串模型、LAC-1的遗产MS-20和遗产PolySixEX仅的什么Korg开发。

-- M3 : 120声音(固定)
-- OASYS : 172 [HD-1] [PolySixEX] [CX-3], 96 [AL-1], 48 [STR-1] [] (动态地分配的) MS-20EX

给出它的大屏幕,相似的功能的,有驾驶的屏幕的较少数字在OASYS,当与M3比较。 一些此补尝与M3的PC/Mac编辑(凉快)。 M3通过它的传染媒介控制杆有新的X - Y的方式(也凉快),但是OASYS支持相似的X - Y的控制(虽则没有如凉快)。

-- M3 : 320 MB
-- OASYS : 1GB (被装载的所有仪器)对1.5 GB (没有EXs仪器)

-- M3 : 无
-- OASYS : 16条音频轨道

-- M3 : 5插入物, 2位大师, 1共计
-- OASYS : 12插入物, 2位大师, 2共计



-- 中长程序装置: 在M3和暗示名单上的更好的决议(OASYS所有者期待相似的改进到OASYS顺序器)
-- PC/Mac编辑: 因为编辑跑作为插入式的VST/AU/RTAS类似X-50/micro-X,这确实是凉快的

底线,我认为新的M3是氚核系列的巨大替换从它支持从OASYS的许多事。 假设价格有些类似氚核价格,我能看到很多人民买此(即想要工作站)的人们。


或许除了鼓轨道和一些个其他小细节, M3的节目结构是OASYS HD-1的一个子集,并且它继承HD-1凉快的特点和巨大品质优良的许多方面。

HD-1仍然有一定数量的好处,然而,适合OASYS系统的更高的费用。 这些包括更高的多音(172对120),更加快速的信封和LFOs,更大ROM (更比两次大小M3,与EXs1),线性与压缩的PCM相对,有一点更好的图形保真,波浪程序化,每声音传染媒介信封等等。

OASYS有185个作用: 12个插入物作用、2个主要作用和2个总作用;
M3有170个作用: 5个插入物作用、2个主要作用和1个总作用。

OASYS信道是32位浮动小数点,延长的力学范围和担心的获取结构和截去; M3使用一条传统24位信道。

OASYS有鲁棒控制表面,与8个瘤、9个滑子和16个按钮和滑子和瘤的LED显示。 M3有触摸屏幕控制器,但是OASYS有一根物理控制杆。

OASYS有4模拟输入(包括二XLR mic输入)和10模拟输出,与2个ins和在M3的6出口比较。 M3有6数字输出的EXB-FW通过火线; OASYS有8数字输出的EXB-DI通过ADAT。

OASYS有172声音CX-3和PolysixEX, 96声音在将来来的AL-1, 48声音STR-1和MS-20EX和其他EXi; M3有24声音RADIAS-EXB。



-- Custom sound chip based on HD-1 design
-- Radias chip (on EXB-Radias board)
-- 320x240 Color LCD Touchscreen (5 in. diagonal??) w/ XY mode
-- x amount of RAM to run OS and software
-- 256MB of compressed Sound ROM
-- 64MB of Sample RAM, expandable to 320MB
-- Control surface elements (keys, buttons, sliders -- no knobs)
-- audio inputs (2 analog [1/4"], S/PDIF)
-- audio outputs (6 analog [1/4"], S/PDIF, optional Firewire)
-- no internal hard drive
-- no internal CD burner

-- generic (more powerful) PC processing chip
-- 10.4 in. diagonal Color LCD Touchscreen
-- 1GB (or 2GB) of RAM to run and hold everything
-- 628MB of uncompressed samples (effectively loaded as if ROM)
-- 200MB to 1.5GB Sample RAM (depending what Instruments are loaded)
-- Control surface elements (keys, buttons, sliders, knobs)
-- audio inputs (4 analog [2 XLR-1/4", 2 1/4"], S/PDIF) XLR Oasys audio inputs support 48V phantom power
-- audio outputs (10 analog [1/4"], S/PDIF, optional ADAT)
-- internal hard drive
-- internal CD burner

These hardware differences create some feature differences:
1. Instruments:
-- M3: 2
-- OASYS: 6
The M3 is fixed with the ESD sample synth and Radias synth engines. The OASYS is limited by only what Korg develops which currently includes the HD-1 Sample synth, AL-1 Analog Synth, CX-3 Modeled Organ, STR-1 Plucked String Model, LAC-1 Legacy MS-20 EX and Legacy PolySixEX.

2. Polyphony:
-- M3: 120 voices (fixed)
-- OASYS: 172 [HD-1][PolySixEX][CX-3], 96 [AL-1], 48 [STR-1][MS-20EX] (dynamically allocated)

3. User Interface:
Given its larger screen, for similar functionality, there are less numbers of screens to navigate in the OASYS when compared to the M3. Some of this is compensated for with the M3's PC/Mac editor (cool). The M3 does have the new XY mode (also cool), but the OASYS supports similar X-Y control via its Vector Joystick (though not as cool).

4. Sampling:
-- M3: 320 MB
-- OASYS: 1GB (all instruments loaded) to 1.5 GB (no EXs instruments)

5. Audio Track Recording:
-- M3: none
-- OASYS: 16 audio tracks

6. Simultaneous Effects Processing:
-- M3: 5 insert, 2 Master, 1 Total
-- OASYS: 12 insert, 2 Master, 2 Total

7. Audio Routing :
The OASYS has better audio routing capabilities

8. Karma:
Identical (with the exceptions due to the OASYS greater number of effects slots and more complex audio routing)

New M3 Features:
Having said all of the above, there are some new features on the M3 that are better than the current OASYS implementation:
-- Midi Sequencer: better resolution on the M3 and Cue List (OASYS owners are expecting similar enhancements to the OASYS sequencer)
-- PC/Mac Editor: Similar to the X-50/micro-X, this is definitely cool since the editor runs as a VST/AU/RTAS plugin

Bottom Line, I think the new M3 is a great replacement for the Triton Series since it leverages many things from the OASYS. Assuming the prices are somewhat similar to Triton prices, I can see a lot of people buying this (i.e. people who want a workstation).

[added by Dan Phillips:]

Except for the drum track, and perhaps a few other small details, the M3's Program structure is a subset of the OASYS HD-1, and it inherits many aspects of the HD-1's cool features and great sound quality.

The HD-1 still has a number of advantages, however, as befits the higher cost of the OASYS system. These include higher polyphony (172 vs. 120), faster envelopes and LFOs, larger ROM (more than twice the size of the M3, with EXs1), linear as opposed to compressed PCM, slightly better anti-aliasing, Wave Sequencing, per-voice Vector Envelope, etc.

The OASYS has 185 effects: 12 insert effects, 2 master effects, and 2 total effects;
The M3 has 170 effects: 5 insert effects, 2 master effects, and 1 total effect.

The OASYS signal path is 32-bit floating point, for extended dynamic range and less worrying about gain structure and clipping; the M3 uses a traditional 24-bit signal path.

The OASYS has a more robust control surface, with 8 knobs, 9 sliders and 16 buttons, and LED indicators for the sliders and knobs. The M3 has the touch-screen controller, but the OASYS has a physical joystick.

The OASYS has 4 analog inputs (including two XLR mic inputs) and 10 analog outputs, compared to 2 ins and 6 outs on the M3. The M3 has the EXB-FW for 6 digital outputs via firewire; the OASYS has the EXB-DI for 8 digital outputs via ADAT.

The OASYS has the 172-voice CX-3 and PolysixEX, 96-voice AL-1, 48-voice STR-1 and MS-20EX, and any other EXi that come in the future; the M3 has the 24-voice RADIAS-EXB.
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发表于 2009-6-21 23:31 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-6-30 01:23 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-8-1 22:39 | 显示全部楼层
M3 没有瘤
OASYS 有瘤 而且有幽灵力量。。。还有燃烧器。。。。哈哈哈
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